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Antonio Fernandez Carriedo -- SPAIN

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Antonio Fernandez Carriedo -- SPAIN Empty Antonio Fernandez Carriedo -- SPAIN

Post  Antonio FernandezCarriedo Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:50 pm

Antonio Fernandez Carriedo -- SPAIN Axis-powers-hetalia-spain-hetalia_def0c3b953a001fc354ae450bfc38bb5-13785

Name: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo / Tony Hernandez
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Quarter: Southwest
Job: Jack of all trades - Antonio does whatever job comes his way, including menial tasks, hard labor, and bodyguard duties.
God(s): Antonio worships and believes in simply one God. He believes that the other "gods" set down by the religion of the island are fakes, and that the one God is the only true deity. Tony doesn't believe in any gods whatsoever.
Antonio - When angry, he can cause an earthquake within 50 yards of himself. A rather useless power as he's never truly angry.
Tony - Has the ability to cause agreement between two feuding parties by smacking both individuals. Again, a useless ability.
Neither can use the other's gift.

Personality: Despite certain hardships in his life, Antonio has a very positive outlook on life. He prefers to see the bright side of everything, including pitch black situations. He blames it on the fact that he grew up spending most of his time in the sun - the sunlight leaked into his very soul and made him happier than anyone could possibly be. As long as he is alive, he says, he will always be happy because he is still breathing.

In accordance with this constant happiness comes a certain obliviousness as well. Antonio seems completely unable to comprehend plainly obvious things, and instead sees what he wants to see. However, this is a choice he has made - to be oblivious. Because, by being oblivious, he believes he can make other people see things the way that he sees them with time. The fact that he chooses to be the way he is can sometimes be seen when he decides that a situation is important enough for him to act seriously, and he suddenly seems to know a lot more than he ever let on. Also, he is typically easily distracted by shiny objects.

This is because Antonio is a very intelligent individual. He isn’t learned in art or math or science, but he has an overflowing amount of common sense and especially knows what is good for someone to hear at specific times. This also lends to his ability to learn new skills quickly. He is determined and hard-headed, and will stick by something he believes in beyond anything else.

Antonio also seems to have a need to care for those he loves. He will go out of his way to do anything and everything for them before they even know they need it done. That is, if it doesn’t interfere with siesta time, which he is very adamant about having every single day at the same time each day - 4:00 in the afternoon. He also insists on a good night’s sleep, and will typically go to bed soon after sunset, though this also allows him to wake up around sunrise.

Unfortunately, because of past hardships, Antonio has developed something of a second personality, which calls itself "Tony Hernandez". He is well aware of this other part of himself and also seems to have a very good control on when/if Tony is allowed to display himself. Tony is a more violent version of Antonio himself. They both share the same basic ideals, but Tony is more willing to be morally ambiguous when it comes to getting what he wants or protecting those that both he and Antonio are close to. It is through this second personality that Antonio is known for being a very effective and ruthless bodyguard.
Appearance: Antonio is relatively tall, standing at 5’11” in height, but also incredibly thin and weak due to a history of malnutrition. His hair is dark brown in color, and always a complete and utter mess, falling all over his head and into his face a little bit as well. His eyes are dark green and always seem to have a sort of sparkle to them, which just matches the constant smile/grin he has on his face. When he isn’t smiling, typically Antonio is either sleeping or looking really thoughtfully at something that’s quite shiny.

His skin is dark from countless hours spent in the sun, and what little strength he has seems to be concentrated in his arms and endurance, as he seems more than able to take care of large gardens for long periods of time. To hide his body, Antonio has a tendency to wear clothes that are a bit too large for him. They are typically of lower quality make as well, and are often rumpled as if he had been sleeping in them, which he does tend to do.

As a note for when Tony takes over - the sparkle in Antonio’s eyes tends to change to more of a menacing glint, but he still is always smiling and acting perfectly carefree.

Dependability - if you can trust anyone, it’s Antonio. The moment he starts serving/helping someone, he is dependable to the end and seems perfectly unable of betraying anyone he is working for. (Extreme cases have occurred, but only when Tony is in control of the body.)
Gardening - Antonio has the uncanny ability to make things grow in even the most unlikely of places. He claims it’s because his father taught him well.
Resilient - Antonio can withstand any hardship and come out of it smiling. He has yet to run into a situation that he couldn’t get through, and it’s likely that should such a situation exist, it would kill him.
Hard-working - as his mother taught him, you can’t expect anything unless you work hard for it. Antonio applies this principle to everything in his life and is constantly working hard to improve himself and the lives of those around him.
Optimistic - no matter the situation, Antonio can see the bright side of it. He is always willing to point out this bright side to everyone around him too, in an attempt to cheer them during dark situations.
Religious - Antonio finds a great deal of comfort in his faith, and it is part of what makes him able to act the way he does. It is one of his greatest strengths that he can never be shaken in his faith in the Lord.
Physical - due to malnutrition in earlier parts of his life, Antonio is physically weak. Though, he does try to improve this part of himself on a daily basis.
Poor - Antonio has lived his entire life in the Southwestern quarter. And even though he works very hard and makes good money doing things for people, he still has no money for himself, since he tends to give it away to other people.
Too Caring - Antonio’s heart is big. Too big. Because he cares so much about people in the world, he has a tendency to put himself in dangerous situations (financially, physically, and emotionally) in order to make sure that the people he turns to are happy.
Annoying Happy - many people (Lovino) believe that Antonio is too happy for his own good and doesn’t take anything seriously. This means he tends to get made fun of quite a lot.
Dual Persaonlities - Tony himself is a set-back for Antonio. Despite the fact that Antonio typically has an easy time controlling his other personality, Tony can sometimes leak through at the most inopportune moments, and typically causes a ruckus, as he likes to fight.

+Cute things
+Making people happy
+Shiny things
+The sun
+Helping those in need
+The color red
-Days when it’s cloudy but doesn’t rain
-Dead plants
-His clothes… (though he would never admit this)
-Being oppressed
-Being poor
✓Seems to be in a constant battle to push his hair back out of his face.
✓Carries a very shiny coin in his pocket, which he likes to look at.
✓Takes a siesta every day at exactly 4:00PM
✓He is always wearing a cross around his neck
✓Tony's lips and eyes twitch and he often looks in pain because the more powerful personality is trying to regain control
✓Tony bites his nails to the point that they start bleeding
☄Antonio is afraid of being useless and unable to bring people happiness.
☄He's also afraid of losing more people he cares about, especially to disease.
☄Tony is afraid of disappearing entirely because he's no longer needed.

History: Antonio was born and raised in the Southwest Quarter of Pangaea. He has never lived anywhere else in his life, and honestly he really doesn't want to. Despite being very poor since the moment he was born, Antonio always found a great deal of happiness in being with his family and friends that he felt couldn't be replaced with money.

The youngest of five children, Antonio was raised almost as much by his older sisters as he was by his own parents. He was one of only two boys in the family (the other being his oldest sibling), and as such started helping his father farm when he was very young. Tragedy struck the family when Antonio was only ten years old, though, as his father died in an accident. This left the family in his older brother's hands, and there was a struggle to try and keep everything running smoothly.

In an attempt to help her family, Antonio's mother sought aid from the Citadel. A man there took pity on them and offered to help. He practically moved in with them and soon found his way into Antonio's mother's bed.

It wasn't long before the young boy noticed something was wrong. His mother looked sadder every day and there were unexplained bruises and scars on her body. Antonio - now thirteen - tried very hard to help his mother relieve her pain, frequently asking her what was wrong, but she didn't want to burden him and so kept her peace.

Two years passed in much the same vein, and the worry building inside Antonio took a very real, tangible form. He heard a voice whispering to him to help his mother, and took it as a sign from a God that only he knew that he should take action. He marched to his mother's room and walked in on the man who was supposed to be helping their family beating her.

Antonio doesn't remember what happened after that, but now he knows that Tony first came into being in that moment (though he does not associate the voice he heard speaking to him with his second personality, even to this day). When he came to again, the man was dead, his mother was sobbing, and he himself was covered in blood.

At the urging of the voice in his head, Antonio ran away from home. He was never caught for the murder of the man, nor did his family suffer for it, but he could not go home. Because he was a dangerous person now, and he didn't even know if he could trust himself.

In the following years, he put forth a great effort to learn every skill he could to keep himself alive. It was through these odd jobs that he truly got to know and control Tony. Not much has happened since then, except the forward passage of life. But Antonio still hopes that one day he might be able to go home and see his family once more.

RP Sample: It had been some time since Antonio had come to terms with the idea that "Let's get ice cream" coming from Lovino was an admission that the Italian was in a good mood. Lovino may never look like he was happy, but Antonio had developed a foolproof method of telling whether Lovino was mad or not:

If Lovino was yelling at you, it just meant he cared.

If Lovino was talking to you sarcastically, it just meant he was in a good mood.

If Lovino wanted ice cream, he was particularly happy.

And if Lovino refused to talk to you, you had done something very wrong.

Typically, the Italian's bad moods were followed up by a trip to get ice cream to show that he wasn't angry anymore. And that was exactly what this trip to the ice cream parlor was for. Antonio loved when his Lovinito took him for ice cream. It was just always such a cute trip. And even though Antonio tried to pay, Lovino would never let him. Ah well. One day, Antonio knew he would pay him back.

As they walked down the street towards the ice cream parlor, Antonio whistled to himself and smiled at the passers-by. Sometimes, he wished he could communicate with people more, but then again... he didn't mind not speaking English all that much.

Bouncing a little, the Spaniard looked at his companion and beamed brightly. "What do you think you'll get today?" he asked excitedly, speaking in Spanish like he most usually did. "I think you should get chocolate... chocolate's a good flavor." It had become a sort of game, trying to get Lovino to eat chocolate. After all, chocolate made everyone happier, didn't it?

And all Antonio wanted was for his Lovinito to be happy!

Out Of Character
Name: Frika
Age: 22
Contact: Plurky plurky plurky
Anything else?: AW YEA
Antonio FernandezCarriedo
Antonio FernandezCarriedo

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-07-22

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